Today I honor him and want you all to know what a special man he was to me. He loved his family and did anything and everything to protect us. He always wanted to best for us and it makes me understand more and more every day why he was so hard and strict with us. He wanted us to have more than he did and do some thing good with our life's. He worked so hard to support our family and take care of my mom and his 13 kids. Yes, that's right, I said
13...... 5 boys and 8 girls !!!! It is what we call his "little tribe" or his legacy. :) My mom and him were a good team when it came to parenting and NOTHING got past them.
If he were still alive we would have celebrated his birthday like this.... A Barbecue, A BIG Chocolate Cake, swimming, and of course a little mariachi music (that he would not know one word too, but says he does) LOL! And of course he would probably be wearing his favorite cut off shorts, tube socks and a bandanna. LOL! Miss you dad!!!
Happy Birthday CHIEF!!!!!
One of the last pictures I have of my dad and I together..... 2 months before he passed away.

I hope and pray that I have made you proud so far. I wish so bad that you could see how happy I am and meet my two sweet little girls. I wish that you could watch them play in your backyard and run around with them. We talk to them about their Papa Joe all the time and they know that you are in Heaven right now and they will meet you one day. Mike and I are doing great. He takes such great care of us girls and is a hard worker. He is the best husband a girl could ever hope and pray for. You would love how handy he is. He is just like you, he could fix and build anything. You two would have had a lot of fun together. Maybe one day you can work on something together. I love and miss you dad. God be with you, till we meet again.
Your daughter, Jessett